I might want to return more than functions later

This commit is contained in:
Lilian Jónsdóttir 2020-08-15 22:46:16 -07:00
parent ccff03f30d
commit 70ecca9cc0

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@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ local sneak = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.sneak")
local combat = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.combat")
local common = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.common")
local eventPattern = "on(%u)"
-- in order for this to work, functions in returned table must follow pattern: onEventName
local function registerFunctionEvents(t)
for name, func in pairs(t) do
if type(func) == "function" then event.register(name:gsub("on(%u)", string.lower), func) end
local function onInitialized()
-- in order for this to work, everything in returned table must be functions named onEventName
for name, func in pairs(sneak) do event.register(name:gsub(eventPattern, string.lower), func) end
for name, func in pairs(combat) do event.register(name:gsub(eventPattern, string.lower), func) end
common.log("Successfully initialized")