this should be here instead

This commit is contained in:
Lilian Jónsdóttir 2021-08-07 23:08:05 -07:00
parent f0c5bc190e
commit d2009dcb30
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ local this = {}
this.modName = "A Sinking Feeling" = "Celediel"
this.modInfo = "No longer can you swim in heavy plate, now your armour, equipment or carried items drag you down while swimming.\n" ..
"Options exist for formulas based on equipped armour weight class, total equipment weight or encumbrance percentage."
"Options exist for formulas based on equipped armour weight class, total equipment weight or encumbrance percentage.\n\n" ..
"What is dead may never die."
this.version = "1.0.0"
this.configString = string.gsub(this.modName, "%s+", "")
this.modes = {equippedArmour = 0, allEquipment = 1, encumbrancePercentage = 2}

View file

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ category:createDropdown({
"Equipped Armour: Actors are pulled down by their combined armour class (Light = 1, Medium = 2, Heavy = 3), " ..
"multiplied by a tenth of the down-pull multiplier. Default of 100 makes it impossible to surface in all heavy armour for all but the most Athletic.\n\n" ..
"Equipment weight: Actors are pulled down by double the weight of all equipped gear multiplied by a hundredth of the down-pull multiplier.\n\n" ..
"Encumbrance: Actors are pulled down by their encumbrance percentage multiplied by triple the down-pull multiplier.\n\n" ..
"What is dead may never die.",
"Encumbrance: Actors are pulled down by their encumbrance percentage multiplied by triple the down-pull multiplier.\n\n",
options = {
{ label = "Equipped Armour", value = common.modes.equippedArmour },
{ label = "All Equipment", value = common.modes.allEquipment },