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2020-08-02 23:31:40 -07:00
MWSE/mods/celediel/NPCsGoHome less mwscript, better public house worth 2020-08-02 23:31:40 -07:00
.gitignore ignore + readme 2020-08-02 02:24:29 -07:00 ignore + readme 2020-08-02 02:24:29 -07:00

NPCs Go Home

Forked from 1.1 of OEA's Lightweight Lua Scheduling (I implemented most of the changes from 1.2 though)

Things I've Added, Changed or Fixed

  • timer for updating everything, configurable interval
  • Silt Striders disappear as well
  • Inclement weather toggle gone, in favour of dropdown with "None" option
  • Travel agents, their silt striders, and argonians configurably stay in inclement weather
  • When locking doors, cells that contain NPCs of any class on the block list are left alone
    • cells that are >= 75% one faction will be public, if that faction is on the block list
    • Additionally, NPCs in those cells are still interactive
  • Block list now supports NPC class and faction. Any interior cell with an NPC of blocked class or faction will not be locked, or have its NPCS disabled.
  • NPC "homes"
    • Outside NPCs who have homes are currently paired with the inside cell of their home
    • Other NPCs are configurably paired with local public houses (Inns, Guildhalls and temples of their faction)


  • Option to move NPCs into their "home" rather than disable them
    • Kinda wonky? sometimes they die and I dunno why