133 lines
3.6 KiB
133 lines
3.6 KiB
local config = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.config").getConfig()
local common = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.common")
-- {{{ helper functions
local function createTableVar(id) return mwse.mcm.createTableVariable({id = id, table = config}) end
local function createLanguageOptions()
local options = {}
-- I guess I don't know how ipairs works
local i = 1
for name, _ in pairs(common.dialogues) do
options[i] = {label = name:gsub("^%l", string.upper), value = name}
i = i + 1 -- wtf lua
return options
-- }}}
-- {{{ main settings page
local template = mwse.mcm.createTemplate(common.modName)
template:saveOnClose(common.configString, config)
local page = template:createSideBarPage({
label = "Sidebar page",
description = string.format("%s v%s by %s\n\n%s\n\n", common.modName, common.version, common.author, common.modInfo)
local mainCategory = page:createCategory(common.modName)
-- }}}
-- {{{ general settings
local generalCategory = mainCategory:createCategory("Common settings")
label = "Language",
options = createLanguageOptions(),
variable = createTableVar("language")
label = "Debug mode",
description = "Print debug messages to the log.",
variable = createTableVar("debug")
-- }}}
-- {{{ sneak settings
local sneakCategory = mainCategory:createCategory("Sneak Settings")
label = "Enable sneak module",
description = "Guards who catch you sneaking will follow you for a bit of time.",
variable = createTableVar("sneakEnable")
label = "Sneak dialogue",
description = "Guards sometimes say things to you when you sneak.",
variable = createTableVar("sneakDialogue")
label = "Sneak dialogue chance",
description = "Percent chance a guard will say something each time the dialogue timer fires.",
min = 0,
max = 100,
step = 1,
jump = 5,
variable = createTableVar("sneakDialogueChance")
label = "Sneak dialogue timer",
description = "Roll for dialogue every x seconds while following.",
min = 0,
max = 60,
step = 1,
jump = 5,
variable = createTableVar("sneakDialogueTimer")
-- }}}
-- {{{ combat settings
local combatCategory = mainCategory:createCategory("Combat Settings")
label = "Enable combat module",
description = "Guards will come to the rescue of a player who is attacked unprovoked.",
variable = createTableVar("combatEnable")
label = "Guard alert range",
description = "How far away guards are alerted to combat against the player",
min = 1,
max = 20000,
step = 10,
jump = 50,
variable = createTableVar("combatDistance")
label = "Enable combat dialogue",
description = "Guards have things to say when they come to the rescue of a player who is attacked unprovoked.",
variable = createTableVar("combatDialogue")
-- }}}
label = "Ignored NPCs/Creatures",
description = "Guards will not respond to these NPCs or creatures attacking the player.",
showAllBlocked = false,
filters = {
{label = "Plugins", type = "Plugin"},
{label = "NPCs", type = "Object", objectType = tes3.objectType.npc},
{label = "Creatures", type = "Object", objectType = tes3.objectType.creature}
variable = createTableVar("ignored")
return template
-- vim:fdm=marker