100 lines
3.5 KiB
100 lines
3.5 KiB
local this = {}
-- {{{ mod info and such
this.modName = "More Attentive Guards" -- or something
this.author = "Celediel"
this.version = "1.1.6"
this.modInfo = "Guards with some actual spatial awareness!\n\nGuards who catch you sneaking will follow you for a bit of" ..
"time, and will also come to the player's rescue if attacked unprovoked."
this.dialogues = {
text = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.dialogue.text"),
voice = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.dialogue.voice")
this.dialogueMode = { none = 0, text = 1, voice = 2 }
this.configString = string.gsub(this.modName, "%s+", "")
-- }}}
-- {{{ NPC stuff or whatever
this.basicIdles = { 60, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-- }}}
-- {{{ functions
this.log = function(...) mwse.log("[%s] %s", this.modName, string.format(...)) end
-- https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:AIWander told me some things about idles
this.generateIdles = function()
local idles = {}
-- idles[1] = 0 -- ? idle 1 is not used?
for i = 1, 4 do idles[i] = math.random(0, 60) end
idles[5] = 0 -- ? Idle6: Rubbing hands together and showing wares
for i = 6, 8 do idles[i] = math.random(0, 60) end
return idles
this.generateWanderRange = function(cell)
-- wander less inside?
return (cell.isInterior and not cell.behavesAsExterior) and 200 or 2000
this.playGuardText = function(npc, str, target)
-- target of the dialogue, either an NPC/Creature, or the player's class or race.
-- This is what %s is replaced with in the dialogue string; npc/creature for combat, player for sneak
local targetOrPlayer
if target == tes3.mobilePlayer then
targetOrPlayer = math.random() >= 0.5 and target.object.class.name or target.object.race.name
targetOrPlayer = target.object.name
local message = string.format(str, targetOrPlayer)
local output = string.format("%s: %s", npc, message)
return output
-- Plays a random sound of specified type and returns the path of the sound file that was played
this.playGuardVoice = function(mobile, type)
local distanceCap = 2500 -- sounds further away than this are too quiet to be heard
local ref = mobile.reference
local sex = ref.baseObject.female and "f" or "m"
local race = ref.baseObject.race.id:lower()
local directory, soundPath, sound
this.log("before: ref:%s sex:%s race:%s soundPath:%s type:%s", ref.id, sex, race, soundPath, type)
-- make sure the race/sex/type combo exists in the voice data
if this.dialogues.voice[race] and this.dialogues.voice[race][sex] and this.dialogues.voice[race][sex][type] then
directory = string.format("vo\\%s\\%s\\", this.dialogues.voice[race].dir, sex)
sound = table.choice(this.dialogues.voice[race][sex][type])
-- sound will be nil if the race/sex/type combo is an empty table
if sound then soundPath = directory .. sound.file .. ".mp3" end
this.log("after: ref:%s sex:%s race:%s soundPath:%s type:%s", ref.id, sex, race, soundPath, type)
local distanceFromPlayer = math.clamp(mobile.position:distance(tes3.mobilePlayer.position), 0, distanceCap) or 0
local volume = 1 - (distanceFromPlayer / distanceCap)
-- LuaFormatter off
if soundPath then
soundPath = soundPath,
subtitle = sound.subtitle,
volume = volume,
reference = mobile
-- LuaFormatter on
return soundPath
-- }}}
return this
-- vim:fdm=marker