# More Attentive Guards for Morrowind # ## About ## An MWSE-Lua mod that replicates the features of [Inquisitive Guards](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46538) by RubberMan and [Protective Guards](http://download.fliggerty.com/download-110-20) by Fliggerty * Guards that catch the player sneaking about in town will follow them for a length of time dependent on their sneak skill. * Guards will come to the aid of an unwanted player who is attacked unprovoked * If the player has their weapon out when combat with an NPC starts, guards don't know who started it, and will ignore the combat (probably not the best way to handle this, but the few false positives outweigh all the false negatives that would be otherwise) * If the player has a bounty, guards will ignore the combat * MCM Menu for configuration of many options * Thanks to the power of MWSE Lua, all guards are affected, not just selected hardcoded guards ### Text Dialogue ### * Guards will say things: * While the player is sneaking, on a chance based timer * When the player stops sneaking while being followed * When the guard gets bored of following the player * When coming to the aid of an unwanted player who is attacked unprovoked Open dialogue/text.lua to edit the dialogues. I'm no writer so they're probably bad, but the framework is there for the dialogues to be easily edited or translated. To add a new language add something like this to dialogues.lua: ```Lua ["your language"] = { -- guards might say this every so often to players who are sneaking -- %s is replaced with race or class ["sneaking"] = { "dialogue goes here", }, -- guards say this when players stop sneaking while being followed -- %s is replaced with race or class ["stop_sneaking"] = { "dialogue goes here", }, -- guards say this when they're satisfied that the player is not doing anything illegal -- %s is replaced with race or class ["stop_following"] = { "dialogue goes here", }, -- guards say this when coming to player's rescue when they're attacked unprovoked -- %s is replaced with the name of the npc or creature attacking the player ["join_combat"] = { "dialogue goes here", } } ``` The MCM dropdown will automatically be populated with the configured language, and once selected, those dialogues will be used. ## Interop ## Currently extremely basic. Exposes some data for use in other mods. ```Lua local mag = require("celediel.MoreAttentiveGuards.interop") -- returns tes3reference of currently following guard, or nil if no follower local followingGuard = mag.getGuardFollower() ``` ## Requirements ## MGE XE with MWSE @ [Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102) \(Make sure you run MWSE-Update.exe\) ## Credits ## * MWSE Team for MWSE with Lua support * Lua is way different than MWScript, but I did glance at the scripts from both Inquisitive Guards and Protective Guards for inspiration ## License ## MIT License. See LICENSE file.