better follow time calculation - clamped to positive values

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Lilian Jónsdóttir 2020-07-26 00:30:25 -07:00
parent 8c5ea9cee4
commit ff60969e67

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@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ local function calculateFollowTime()
-- Modified formula from RubberMan's "Inquisitive Guards"
local sneak = tes3.mobilePlayer.sneak.value and tes3.mobilePlayer.sneak.value or tes3.mobilePlayer.sneak.base
-- if player sneak is greater than 100, guards won't follow at all
-- if player sneak is 100 or greater, guards won't follow at all
local max = tes3.hasCodePatchFeature(110) and (sneak <= 100 and 101 or 0) or 101
local value = (max - sneak) / 3
-- round to nearest integer
return math.fmod(value, 1) >= 0.5 and math.ceil(value) or math.floor(value)
-- round to nearest integer and clamp to positive
return math.clamp(math.round(value, 0), 0, math.huge)
-- }}}