local keys = require("Keyboard Layout Changer.keys") local supportedLayouts = "" for name, _ in pairs(keys) do supportedLayouts = supportedLayouts .. name .. " " end local this = {} this.modName = "Keyboard Layout Changer" this.author = "Celediel" this.version = "1.0.0" this.configString = string.gsub(this.modName, "%s+", "") this.modInfo = "Allows use of non-qwerty keyboard layouts.\n\nCurrently supported:\n" .. supportedLayouts function this.log(str) mwse.log("[%s] %s", this.modName, str) end function this.changedLayout(layout) local changed = false if keys[layout] and (#keys[layout].lowercase == 256 and #keys[layout].uppercase == 256) then -- Thanks NullCascade mwse.memory.writeBytes({address = 0x775148, bytes = keys[layout].lowercase}) mwse.memory.writeBytes({address = 0x775248, bytes = keys[layout].uppercase}) changed = true else local message = "Bad keys.lua file, please re-install." this.log(message) tes3.messageBox(string.format("(%s) %s", this.modName, message)) end return changed end return this