# Morrowind-Keyboard-Layout-Changer ## What it does ## MWSE Lua mod to allow non-Qwerty keyboard layouts in vanilla engine Morrowind. **Currently supported:** * Dvorak * Colemak * Workman (US and UK varieties) ## Known Issues ## Layouts that use letters outside the standard and extended ASCII tables will remain unsupported, due to the way Morrowind translate key presses to text. i.e. Turkish FGĞIOD, Latvian ĄŽERTY ## Requirements ## MWSE 2.1 nightly @ [github](https://github.com/MWSE/MWSE) ## Credits ## * MWSE Team for MWSE with Lua support * NullCascade for the initial code snippets I built this mod upon ## License ## MIT License. See LICENSE file.