156 lines
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156 lines
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local config = require("celediel.ASinkingFeeling.config").getConfig()
local common = require("celediel.ASinkingFeeling.common")
-- Helper Functions
local function getTotalArmourClass(actor)
local armourClass = 0
-- get armour level for each equipped piece of armour
-- light = 0, medium = 1, heavy = 2, plus one so light armour is affected
if actor and actor.equipment then
for stack in tes3.iterate(actor.equipment) do
local item = stack.object
if item.objectType == tes3.objectType.armor then
armourClass = armourClass + item.weightClass + 1
return armourClass
local function getTotalEquipmentWeight(actor)
local weight = 0
if actor and actor.equipment then
for stack in tes3.iterate(actor.equipment) do
local item = stack.object
weight = weight + item.weight
return weight
-- Formula functions
local formulas = {}
formulas.equippedArmour = function(actor, ref)
local armourClass = getTotalArmourClass(actor)
local downPull = (config.multipliers.equippedArmour / 10) * armourClass
local debugStr = string.format("Pulling %s down by %s using equipped armour mode (%s total armour class)",
ref.id, downPull, armourClass)
return downPull, debugStr
formulas.allEquipment = function(actor, ref)
local totalWeight = getTotalEquipmentWeight(actor)
-- doubling this keeps this formula somewhat uniform with armour class @ multiplier 100
local downPull = ((config.multipliers.allEquipment / 100) * totalWeight) * 2
local debugStr = string.format("Pulling %s down by %s using equipment weight mode (%s total equipment weight)",
ref.id, downPull, totalWeight)
return downPull, debugStr
formulas.allEquipmentNecroEdit = function(actor, ref)
local totalWeight = getTotalEquipmentWeight(actor)
-- Thanks Necrolesian for this formula
-- https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10349253-a-sinking-feeling/page-2#entry97870268
local term1 = ((config.multipliers.allEquipment / 100) * totalWeight) * 2
local term2 = ((config.multipliers.allEquipment / 100) * (totalWeight - 135) * 0.2 + 270)
local downPull = math.min(term1, term2)
local debugStr = string.format("Pulling %s down by %s (instead of %s) using equipment weight mode (necro edit) (%s total equipment weight)",
ref.id, downPull, math.max(term1, term2), totalWeight)
return downPull, debugStr
formulas.encumbrancePercentage = function(mobile, ref)
local encumbrance = mobile.encumbrance
-- tripling this keeps this formula somewhat uniform with armour class @ multiplier 100
local downPull = (config.multipliers.encumbrancePercentage * encumbrance.normalized) * 3
local debugStr = string.format("Pulling %s down by %s using encumbrance mode (%s/%s = %s encumbrance)",
ref.id, downPull, encumbrance.current, encumbrance.base, encumbrance.normalized)
return downPull, debugStr
formulas.worstCaseScenario = function(actor, mobile, ref)
local downPull = 0
local results = {}
-- todo: maybe loop over formulas to calculate each instead of this
-- different formulas needing different actor/mobile might make it too unwieldy though
results.equippedArmour = formulas.equippedArmour(actor, ref)
results.allEquipment = formulas.allEquipment(actor, ref)
if config.allEquipmentWorstCaseNecroMode then
results.allEquipmentNecroEdit = formulas.allEquipmentNecroEdit(actor, ref)
results.encumbrancePercentage = formulas.encumbrancePercentage(mobile, ref)
local largest = common.keyOfLargestValue(results)
downPull = results[largest]
local debugStr = string.format("Pulling %s down by %s using worst mode:%s", ref.id, downPull, common.camelCaseToWords(largest))
return downPull, debugStr
-- Event functions
local function sinkInWater(e)
-- shortcut refs
local mobile = e.mobile
local ref = e.reference
local actor = ref.object
local waterLevel = mobile.cell.waterLevel
local headHeight = mobile.position.z + mobile.height * 0.8
-- no creatures
if mobile.actorType == tes3.actorType.creature then return end
-- if configured to be player only, bail if not player
if config.playerOnly and mobile.actorType ~= tes3.actorType.player then return end
local downPull = 0
local debugStr = ""
-- don't calculate if disabled
if not config.enabled then
downPull = 0
-- calculate the down-pull with the configured formula
elseif config.mode == common.modes.equippedArmour.value then
downPull, debugStr = formulas.equippedArmour(actor, ref)
elseif config.mode == common.modes.allEquipment.value then
downPull, debugStr = formulas.allEquipment(actor, ref)
elseif config.mode == common.modes.allEquipmentNecroEdit.value then
downPull, debugStr = formulas.allEquipmentNecroEdit(actor, ref)
elseif config.mode == common.modes.encumbrancePercentage.value then
downPull, debugStr = formulas.encumbrancePercentage(mobile, ref)
elseif config.mode == common.modes.worstCaseScenario.value then
downPull, debugStr = formulas.worstCaseScenario(actor, mobile, ref)
-- reset if levitating
if mobile.levitate > 0 then downPull = 0 end
-- only if mostly underwater to stop pseudo-waterwalking when jumping into water
if headHeight <= waterLevel then
if downPull ~= 0 then
-- finally add down-pull from configured formula to tes3.mobilePlayer.velocity.z to simulate being pulled down
mobile.velocity.z = -downPull
if config.debug then
elseif mobile.velocity.z <= 0 then
-- reset velocity removing of armour in water is accounted for
mobile.velocity.z = 0
local function onInitialized()
event.register("calcSwimSpeed", sinkInWater)
common.log("Successfully initialized!")
event.register("initialized", onInitialized)
event.register("modConfigReady", function() mwse.mcm.register(require("celediel.ASinkingFeeling.mcm")) end)