package files import ( "fmt" "io/fs" "math/rand" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "slices" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( executePerm = fs.FileMode(0755) noExecutePerm = fs.FileMode(0644) noExecuteUserPerm = fs.FileMode(0600) randomStrLength int = 8 trashName string = ".Trash" trashInfoExt string = ".trashinfo" trashInfoSec string = "Trash Info" trashInfoPath string = "Path" trashInfoDate string = "DeletionDate" trashInfoDateFmt string = "2006-01-02T15:04:05" trashInfoTemplate string = `[Trash Info] Path={path} DeletionDate={date} ` ) var homeTrash = filepath.Join(xdg.DataHome, "Trash") type TrashInfo struct { name, ogpath string path, trashinfo string isdir bool trashed time.Time filesize int64 mode fs.FileMode } func (t TrashInfo) Name() string { return } func (t TrashInfo) TrashPath() string { return t.path } func (t TrashInfo) Path() string { return t.ogpath } func (t TrashInfo) TrashInfo() string { return t.trashinfo } func (t TrashInfo) Date() time.Time { return t.trashed } func (t TrashInfo) IsDir() bool { return t.isdir } func (t TrashInfo) Mode() fs.FileMode { return t.mode } func (t TrashInfo) Filesize() int64 { return t.filesize } func (t TrashInfo) String() string { return + t.path + t.ogpath + t.trashinfo } func FindInAllTrashes(ogdir string, fltr *filter.Filter) Files { var files Files for _, trash := range getAllTrashes() { fls, err := findTrash(trash, ogdir, fltr) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error reading trash dir '%s': %s", trash, err) continue } files = append(files, fls...) } return files } func ConfirmRestore(confirm bool, fs Files) error { if !confirm || prompt.YesNo(fmt.Sprintf("restore %d selected files?", len(fs))) { log.Info("doing the thing") restored, err := restore(fs) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("restored %d files before error %w", restored, err) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "restored %d files\n", restored) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "not doing anything\n") } return nil } func ConfirmClean(confirm bool, fs Files) error { if prompt.YesNo(fmt.Sprintf("remove %d selected files permanently from the trash?", len(fs))) && (!confirm || prompt.YesNo(fmt.Sprintf("really remove all these %d selected files permanently from the trash forever??", len(fs)))) { removed, err := remove(fs) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("removed %d files before error %w", removed, err) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "removed %d files\n", removed) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "not doing anything\n") } return nil } func ConfirmTrash(confirm bool, fs Files) error { if !confirm || prompt.YesNo(fmt.Sprintf("trash %d selected files?", len(fs))) { tfs := make([]string, 0, len(fs)) for _, file := range fs { tfs = append(tfs, file.Path()) } trashed := trashFiles(tfs) var s string if trashed > 1 { s = "s" } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "trashed %d file%s\n", trashed, s) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "not doing anything\n") return nil } return nil } func findTrash(trashdir, ogdir string, fltr *filter.Filter) (Files, error) { log.Debugf("searching for trashinfo files in %s", trashdir) var files Files infodir := filepath.Join(trashdir, "info") entries, err := os.ReadDir(infodir) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, entry := range entries { if entry.IsDir() || filepath.Ext(entry.Name()) != trashInfoExt { continue } path := filepath.Join(infodir, entry.Name()) // trashinfo is just an ini file, so trashInfo, err := ini.Load(path) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error reading %s: %s", path, err) continue } section := trashInfo.Section(trashInfoSec) if section == nil { continue } basepath := dirs.PercentDecode(section.Key(trashInfoPath).String()) if !strings.HasPrefix(basepath, string(os.PathSeparator)) { root, err := getRoot(trashdir) if err == nil { basepath = filepath.Join(root, basepath) } } filename := filepath.Base(basepath) trashedpath := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(path, "info", "files", 1), trashInfoExt, "", 1) info, err := os.Lstat(trashedpath) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error reading '%s': %s", trashedpath, err) continue } s := section.Key(trashInfoDate).Value() date, err := time.ParseInLocation(trashInfoDateFmt, s, time.Local) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error parsing date '%s' in trashinfo file '%s': %s", s, path, err) continue } if ogdir != "" && filepath.Dir(basepath) != ogdir { continue } var size int64 if d, ok := loadedDirSizes[info.Name()]; ok { size = d.size } else if info.IsDir() { size = calculateDirSize(trashedpath) } else { size = info.Size() } if fltr.Match(info) { files = append(files, TrashInfo{ name: filename, path: trashedpath, ogpath: basepath, trashinfo: path, trashed: date, isdir: info.IsDir(), filesize: size, }) } } return files, nil } func trashFile(filename string) error { trashDir, err := getTrashDir(filename) if err != nil { return err } trashInfoFilename, outPath := getTrashFilenames(filepath.Base(filename), trashDir) if err := os.Rename(filename, outPath); err != nil { return err } var path string if trashDir == homeTrash { path = filename } else { root, err := getRoot(trashDir) if err != nil { path = filename } else { path = strings.Replace(filename, root+string(os.PathSeparator), "", 1) } } log.Debugf("fucking %s %s %s", filename, trashDir, path) trashInfo, err := formatter.Format(trashInfoTemplate, formatter.Named{ "path": path, "date": time.Now().Format(trashInfoDateFmt), }) if err != nil { return err } if err := os.WriteFile(trashInfoFilename, []byte(trashInfo), noExecuteUserPerm); err != nil { return err } return nil } func trashFiles(files []string) (trashed int) { for _, file := range files { if err := trashFile(file); err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot trash '%s': %s", file, err) continue } trashed++ } return } func restore(files Files) (restored int, err error) { for _, maybeFile := range files { file, ok := maybeFile.(TrashInfo) if !ok { return restored, fmt.Errorf("bad file?? %s", maybeFile.Name()) } var cancel bool outpath := dirs.PercentDecode(file.ogpath) log.Infof("restoring %s back to %s\n",, outpath) if _, e := os.Lstat(outpath); e == nil { outpath, cancel = prompt.NewPath(outpath) } if cancel { continue } basedir := filepath.Dir(outpath) if _, e := os.Lstat(basedir); e != nil { if err = os.MkdirAll(basedir, executePerm); err != nil { return restored, err } } if err = os.Rename(file.path, outpath); err != nil { return restored, err } if err = os.Remove(file.trashinfo); err != nil { return restored, err } restored++ } return restored, err } func remove(files Files) (removed int, err error) { for _, maybeFile := range files { file, ok := maybeFile.(TrashInfo) if !ok { return removed, fmt.Errorf("bad file?? %s", maybeFile.Name()) } if err = os.Remove(file.path); err != nil { if i, e := os.Lstat(file.path); e == nil && i.IsDir() { err = os.RemoveAll(file.path) if err != nil { return removed, err } } else { return removed, err } } if err = os.Remove(file.trashinfo); err != nil { return removed, err } removed++ } return removed, err } func randomString(length int) string { out := strings.Builder{} for range length { out.WriteByte(randomChar()) } return out.String() } func randomChar() byte { const chars string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" return chars[rand.Intn(len(chars))] } func getTrashFilenames(filename, trashDir string) (string, string) { var ( filedir = filepath.Join(trashDir, "files") infodir = filepath.Join(trashDir, "info") ) info := filepath.Join(infodir, filename+trashInfoExt) if _, err := os.Lstat(info); os.IsNotExist(err) { // doesn't exist, so use it path := filepath.Join(filedir, filename) return dirs.PercentEncode(info), dirs.PercentEncode(path) } // otherwise, try random suffixes until one works log.Debugf("%s exists in trash, generating random name", filename) var tries int for { tries++ rando := randomString(randomStrLength) newInfo := filepath.Join(infodir, filename+rando+trashInfoExt) newFile := filepath.Join(filedir, filename+rando) _, infoErr := os.Lstat(newInfo) _, fileErr := os.Lstat(newFile) if os.IsNotExist(infoErr) && os.IsNotExist(fileErr) { path := filepath.Join(filedir, filename+rando) log.Debugf("settled on random name %s%s on the %s try", filename, rando, humanize.Ordinal(tries)) return dirs.PercentEncode(newInfo), dirs.PercentEncode(path) } } } func getTrashDir(filename string) (string, error) { root, err := getRoot(filename) if err != nil { return "", err } var trashDir string if strings.Contains(filename, xdg.Home) { trashDir = filepath.Join(xdg.DataHome, trashName[1:]) } else { trashDir = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(root, trashName)) } if _, err := os.Lstat(trashDir); err != nil { usr, _ := user.Current() trashDir += "-" + usr.Uid if err := os.Mkdir(trashDir, executePerm); err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("%s%s does not exist and creation of %s failed", root, trashName, trashDir) } } if link, err := os.Readlink(trashDir); err == nil && link != "" { return "", fmt.Errorf("trash dir %s is a symbolic link", trashDir) } return trashDir, nil } func getRoot(path string) (string, error) { var roots []string // populate a list of mountpoints on the system _, err := mountinfo.GetMounts(func(i *mountinfo.Info) (skip bool, stop bool) { roots = append(roots, i.Mountpoint) return false, false }) if err != nil { log.Error(err) } var depth uint8 = 1 // 255 seems a reasonable recursion maximum current := path // recursively search upwards by using filepath.Clean and .. for { if depth == 0 { return path, fmt.Errorf("reached max depth getting root of %s", path) } current = filepath.Clean(current) if current == string(os.PathSeparator) || slices.Contains(roots, current) { return current, nil } current += string(os.PathSeparator) + ".." depth++ } } func getAllTrashes() []string { trashes := []string{homeTrash} usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { log.Error(err) } _, err = mountinfo.GetMounts(func(mount *mountinfo.Info) (skip bool, stop bool) { point := mount.Mountpoint trashDir := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(point, trashName)) userTrashDir := trashDir + "-" + usr.Uid if _, err := os.Lstat(trashDir); err == nil { trashes = append(trashes, trashDir) } if _, err := os.Lstat(userTrashDir); err == nil { trashes = append(trashes, userTrashDir) } return false, false }) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error reading mounts: %s", err) return nil } return trashes }