gt(1) ["gt version v0.0.1" ["User Commands"]] # NAME gt \- manual page for gt version 0.0.1 # DESCRIPTION ## NAME: gt \- Simple command line XDG Trash application ## USAGE: gt [global options] [command [command options] / filename(s)] ## INFO: g(o)t(rash) is a simple, command line program to interface with the XDG Trash. Files in the trash may be listed, cleaned, or restored via an interactive table, and filtered with various flags. ## VERSION: 0.0.1 ## AUTHOR: Lilian Jónsdóttir # INTERACTIVE MODE Run with no args to start interactive mode. In interactive mode, files in the trash are displayed, and may be selected to either restore or remove permanently. # RM-LIKE TRASHING Run with no command and only filename(s) as argument(s) to skip displaying files, sending them straight to the trash, in a quick, rm-like way. # COMMANDS ## TRASH: _command_: trash, tr Trash a file or files _usage_: trash [command options] [filename(s)] _info_: The trash command finds files on the filesystem based on the filter flags and any filename args, and displays them in a sortable and filterable table, allowing them to be selectively trashed. _flags_: *--recursive*, *-r* operate on files recursively *--work-dir* dir, *-w* dir operate on files in this `DIRECTORY` *--hidden*, *-h* operate on hidden files ## LIST: _command_: list, ls List trashed files _usage_: list [command options] [filename(s)] _info_: The trash command finds files in the trash based on the filter flags and any filename args, and displays them in a sortable and filterable table. _flags:_ *--non-interactive*, *-n* list files and quit *--original-path* dir, *-O* dir list files trashed from this directory ## RESTORE: _command_: restore, re Restore a trashed file or files _usage_: restore [command options] [filename(s)] _info_: The trash command finds files in the trash based on the filter flags and any filename args, and displays them in a sortable and filterable table, allowing them to be selectively restored. _flags:_ *--all*, *-a* operate on all files in trash *--original-path* dir, *-O* dir restore files trashed from this directory ## CLEAN: _command_: clean, cl Clean files from trash _usage_: clean [command options] [filename(s)] _info_: The trash command finds files in the trash based on the filter flags and any filename args, and displays them in a sortable and filterable table, allowing them to be selectively removed permanently. _flags:_ *--all*, *-a* operate on all files in trash *--original-path* dir, *-O* dir remove files trashed from this directory # GLOBAL FLAGS *--confirm*, *-c* ask for confirmation before executing any action *--log* level, *-l* level set log level # FILTER FLAGS (USABLE WITH ALL COMMANDS) *--match* pattern, *-m* pattern operate on files matching regex pattern *--glob* pattern, *-m* pattern operate on files matching glob *--not-match* pattern, *-M* pattern operate on files not matching regex pattern *--not-glob* pattern, *-G* pattern operate on files not matching glob *--on* date, *-O* date operate on files modified on date *--before* date, *-B* date operate on files modified before date *--after* date, *-A* date operate on files modified after date *--files-only*, *-F* operate on files only *--dirs-only*, *-D* operate on directories only *--min-size* size, *-N* size operate on files larger than size *--max-size* size, *-X* size operate on files smaller than size *--mode* mode, *-x* mode operate on files matching mode mode